Marcus harvey real name

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British painter, born in Leeds. He is best known for what proved to be the most controversial exhibit in the *‘Sensation’ exhibition. This was a portrait, made in , of the notorious child murderer Myra Hindley, based on a widely reproduced police photograph but made up of children's handprints.

Marcus harvey ghost brothers Biography from 'Artists in Britain since ' Painter using richly coloured impasto, strongly gestural marks and an overlying black linear image. He was born in Leeds, Yorkshire and studied at Goldsmiths’ College School of Art, –6, gaining an honours degree in fine art.

The issues went beyond the usual ‘modern art’ controversies about alleged incompetence or affronts to ‘public morality’. There was the problem about the hurt to those most involved, the families of the victims of the events of thirty years earlier. In this respect, there was a considerable difference between the exhibition of the work in a small gallery, to a handful of people, and widespread public exposure at the *Royal Academy.

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This being said, the mass media showed cynicism quite beyond that of the artist in their management of the event, deliberately drawing the attention of those who would be most personally affected by the image.

The issue was not simply the right of the artist to use the image of Myra Hindley but the right of newspapers and television to be able to monopolize discussion around it.

Marcus harvey bio Marcus Harvey (born in Leeds) is an English artist and painter, one of the Young British Artists (YBAs).

In an interview given at the time the artist said, ‘I just thought that the handprint was one of the most dignified images that I could find. The most simple image of innocence absorbed in all that pain.’ Harvey's other work has not made the same impact. He has made paintings which combine *Abstract Expressionist brushwork with the outlines of pornographic photographs.

In he exhibited in New York three still-lifes of the detritus of an ‘Ann Summer's Party’. This, it had to be explained to the American public, was like a Tupperware party but with sex toys.

Text source: A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press)

Biography on Oxford Art Online

Biography from 'Artists in Britain since '

Painter using richly coloured impasto, strongly gestural marks and an overlying black linear image.

He was born in Leeds, Yorkshire and studied at Goldsmiths’ College School of Art, –6, gaining an honours degree in fine art.

Marcus harvey myra Marcus Harvey is a British painter and sculptor, publisher and art educator associated with the YBA group of artists who came to prominence in the ’s and is best known for his iconic work 'Myra' which provoked huge controversy when exhibited in Sensation at the Royal Academy in

Teachers included Harry Thubron, Albert Irvin, Basil Beattie and Michael Craig-Martin. Was included in Young British Artist IV at Saatchi Gallery, , where such pictures as Half Way Up, Julie From Hull, Reader’s Wife 1 and My Arse Is Yours contained frequent references to the female nude, knickers and bottoms.

In , Harvey’s portrait of the Moors child murderer Myra Hindley, made using casts of a child’s hand prints, prompted outrage when exhibited at the RA in Sensation: British Artists from the Saatchi Collection, being kicked and splattered with eggs and ink.

Later group exhibitions included Happy the World so Made, The Nunnery, ; Closer, Standpoint Gallery, ; and London Calling. Young British Artists Criss-Crossed, Galleri Kaare Berntsen, Oslo, Norway, Among Harvey’s later solo shows were Vedovi Fine Art, Brussels, Belgium, and Mary Boone Gallery, New York, America, both , and The Führer’s Cakes, Galleria Marabini, Bologna, and Marcus Harvey at Mimmo Scognamiglio, Naples, both in Italy in Harvey lived in London.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since ' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)